My Love For Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH)
When COVID first hit Australia, it lined up closely with ACNH being released on Switch. I'd tried playing AC Wild World on the Nintendo DS when I was a kid, but I didn't get it. I played for about 2 hours, running around the town, confused about what to do, and not liking the graphics. So I put the game down and didn't try again until lockdown. That's when everyone ands their dog got a Switch and started playing ACNH. I saw adverts online for it, people talking about it left and right, and whenever I went past my local EB Games, I saw it there too.It's like the universe decided for me that I needed to get it. I brought a Switch just for the purpose of playing ACNH, and I ended up falling in love with it. I've sunk a stupid (and embarassing) amount of hours into the game, and completed decorating my island. There's still some fish and bugs I need to catch, so maybe I'll finish that in the future. Like most other people, I've gone off it and am playing other games, but I had a blast playing this game. It helped me get through a shitty job I had during COVID where my boss harassed me multiple times. I'd think of the game while I was at work, and make lists of stuff I wanted to do on there when I knocked off.
It might be strange. but I think my favourite villager is Pierce the Eagle. He was my first villager in ACNH, and it feels like ACNH was essentially my first AC game. He has a special place in my heart as a result. I don't really like any of the angry/old looking villagers... sorry! I don't want to discriminate against any of them, but some are just so unpleasent to look at, lol.

Just a few photos of my island Blueberry! I worked very hard on it, making some of the designs up myself and taking inspiration from other people's islands. :)
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (ACPC)
As I write this, in September 2024, I am awaiting the end of ACPC as I know it. Online services will end in November for this game, and we don't yet know exactly what that will eman for our future gameplay. Nintendo announced that they will release a new ACPC app, that is entierly offline, to be played alone, without your in-game friends. Aspects of the game are inherintly online based, so those parts of the game will go.
It might just just a mobile game, but it's my silly mobile game I've played every day for years and loved. Even when ACNH got a bit boring, ACPC was still there with constant updates, and it was as easy to play as pulling your phone out of your pocket. I'll miss the game a lot, and felt really sad when I heard the online services will be ending for this game. Although in the game, I can't talk to any of my friends, we can visit each others campsites, help each other out in events, sell each other stuff, like each others pictures, and the most important thing; trade gifts with one another. It's going to feel a bit like losing a friend when November comes around the online services come to an end.
For the time being, I'm playing it as usual and trying not to feel too bad about it. I think I'll give the new ACPC app a go when it comes out, but I dunno if it'll feel the same...

Here's a few screeshots from my campsite. During seasonal events I try to make it match the theme. Otherwise I typically go for a nature theme.
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