The MatMice Website
Does MatMice ring a bell? It was a website made by 3 Australian sisters, for kids to use, in the year 2000 running until late 2008. You could make your own webpage, and when I say webpage, it was just one, singular page. But it was AWESOME. It was basic, but that's all we needed back then.
My memory is fuzzy, since it's been so long, but I remember it being about 2006-2007, I was 12-13ish, and I made my own MatMice website to share with family, my sisters boyfriend lol because he was family, his family members, and some classmates I trusted. The url for any MatMice site was[your username here]. I have no idea what my URL was or if the Internet Archive even backed it up, but I remember having an About Me section, and I am pretty sure a photo of myself and my dog. I remember asking people I know to sign my guestbook and being really excited when I got a new comment. :)
The website was mega basic, and had built in photos and backgrounds and stuff you could use. I'm pretty sure I had a blue repeating imagr for my background, and nothing really of substance on there. But still, it was mine.
There's not a lot online now that I can find about MatMice since it's dead and gone, with a lot of the old internet. Here's a few interesting things I've come across in my research of it:
Matmice's Homepage
This is how I remember it looking.
Yesterweb Zine
This is the webpage I stumbled across that made me work out what the website was I had been thinking of for all these years! It talks about the history and interesting information about MatMice.
MatMice on the Internet Archive
A lot of stuff on MatMice got backed up, which you can view here.
In 2007 this tutorial video was published on Youtube, showing users how to make a Matmice account, to launch their own website.
Noteworthy MatMice Websites
Step back in time, to 2008 and before.Black . Cats . Grotto
How to be annoying and 100 date excuses
Survival or suicidal
Sprouse Heaven
The Best Site Ever (a bunch of links to other working Matmice sites)
Quotes and graphics
Frogs Club
Ghost Facts
Step by step instrutions on how to hack and Hate mail to a "hacker"
MSN Screen Names
Reagan's Website
Hilary Duff Hate Site
And a bunch more MatMice sites...

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