Step into my world of nostalgia...

My name is Jazz, and I wanted my own corner of the internet that reminds me of the old internet that I grew up on; the internet that felt like an adventure. I’m in my 30’s and live in Australia, and I love the feeling of nostalgia. I grew up on Pokemon, Neopets, Habbo Hotel, and Runescape. In recent years, I’ve been obsessed with my Switch, playing a ton of Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. In real life, I love photography and have gotten pretty decent at it.

As a kid, I spent so many hours surfing the web, looking at websites people had made and coded themselves, to share cool pixel art, their musings and interests, or to share their walkthrough on a game they enjoy. I was never good at HTML, so I mostly indulged instead of sharing. I’m still no good at it, but thanks to ChatGPT and some tutorials, I’ve got a cool layout and enough know-how to give it a go. Back around 2006, for a brief period, I had a Matmice website and a Freewebs website, under a free .tk domain. Man, those were the days! I wish I could find them, as cringey as they would be to read.

Here, I wish to share what I enjoy most, what inspires me, what lives inside of me and my brain; an archive of my heart, if you will. This is a work in progress, so please, feel free to bookmark my site, or follow me on Neocities.


  • 18/09/2024: This last week, I've added a lot of random things. Notably I have added a page called "Smaller Impacts" which you can find under my Shrines page. I am having a lot of fun making this page. It's like a Shrine, but for stuff that doesn't deserve it's own page. It's heavily linked to nostalgia for me, like much of my site. :)

  • 08/09/2024: I made a consolidated page for my shrines, instead of having a bunch of different links in my menu bar up the top. I plan on making a personal page soon, where everything is consolidated in there to do with me. I am keen to share some music I like. :D

  • 07/09/2024: Today is the day I have made my first Neocities website. I've been working on it for hours, and so far, I have a homepage, a list of things that bring me joy, a page of gifs, some pixel art I like, some of my thoughts around Habbo Hotel, and some of my favourite things about Pokemon. I even have a guestbook. Would you like to be the first person to sign it? I have made dedicated pages for all of these things and had a lot of fun doing it. I can't wait to see what unfolds from here, and what else I add.